Higher-Order Fun

Game Design & Game Programming

Best of Game Development Videos and Presentations

Here’s a list of my favourite videos and presentations on several subjects related to game development. I strongly recommend every single video listed below, at least those that match your area of expertise.

If you can think of any good videos that I missed, please leave a link on the comments. I will update the post with any videos that I enjoy.

Game Design

Programming & Technical


(Most of the following are highly technical and specific, but I recommend the first presentation, “Why C++?”, to every programmer.)

4 ResponsesLeave one →

  1. Eduardo

     /  2011-11-18

    Blog muito bom o seu, principalmente os tópicos que tratam sobre a matemática nos jogos. Estou estudando Jogos Digitais na faculdade e isso é muito útil. Keep up the good work.

  2. It’s working! IT’s WORKING!!!!!!1

  3. Came here after the E3 Wargroove video. Right after I saw it I really start to thinking about being a game developer if not for living but for hobby at least. Therefore, I do think that I should not follow people who are making different AAA projects and focus on Indie experience. It was really useful to watch Herb Sutter videos for me, even though I didn’t understand all the information now. Nevertheless, I will get better soon, and your links pile can help me with this a lot.

  4. Robert

     /  2020-06-10

    Your videos help a lot in understanding games development. Some of the best women fragrance you can use to glorify your character.

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